Custom Mouthguards in Grand Rapids, MI

Over-the-counter oral appliances can work well for some, but patients who experience chronic teeth grinding can greatly benefit from investing in a custom mouthguard. Our custom nightguards are comfortable for sleeping and very durable, protecting teeth for many years before they need to be replaced. Interested in learning more? Please contact us, we are located in Grand Rapids, MI.

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woman sitting up in bed, holding her jaw in pain

How do I know if I need a mouthguard for teeth grinding?

You might need a custom nightguard for teeth grinding if you experience symptoms like jaw pain, headaches, or tooth sensitivity, especially in the morning. Other signs include visible wear or flattening of teeth, cracked teeth, gum recession, or unexplained tooth fractures. During your routine visits, Dr. Palmateer is assessing your smile for many things, including signs of TMJ and bruxism. If grinding is causing damage or discomfort, a custom mouthguard can protect your teeth and help alleviate related symptoms.

two mouthguards

How long do custom mouthguards last?

Custom mouthguards typically last one to five years, depending on the frequency and intensity of teeth grinding. Regular wear and tear can shorten their lifespan, but with proper care and routine dental check-ups, they can last longer. If significant wear or changes in your bite occur, a replacement may be necessary to ensure optimal protection. Should you notice any changes, please bring your mouthguard to your next appointment with our team so we can assess it.

woman holding the side of her head in pain

Can bruxism cause headaches and jaw pain?

The constant clenching and grinding of teeth strain the jaw muscles and temporomandibular joints (TMJ), resulting in tension headaches, soreness, and even migraines. The pressure can also cause pain radiating to the neck and shoulders. Wearing a custom mouthguard can help reduce these symptoms by cushioning the teeth and relieving stress on the jaw, promoting more comfortable and pain-free daily living.

mouthguard next to a toothbrush

How do I clean my mouthguard?

Clean your mouthguard daily by rinsing it with lukewarm water and gently brushing it with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste or mild soap. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the material. After cleaning, let it air dry completely before storing it in a ventilated case to prevent bacteria buildup. Regularly check for signs of wear or damage, and bring your oral appliance to your appointments for professional cleaning and evaluation.

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